Henrik Mäki

I am . .
an explorer constantly seeking to discover or create something new. I've produced audiovisual works, taken photos, produced events, held workshops and engaged in all kinds of various creative projects throughout my life. I enjoy working in a team where each member brings their own strengths and visions to the table, creating something amazing that none of them could have achieved alone.
I've graduated with a Bachelor of Media (Film & TV) from Tampere University of Applied Sciences. Since 2015, I've worked as a filmmaker/photographer freelancer, collaborating with over 40 clients, and worked on a wide range of artistic projects, including short films, music videos, and documentaries. I've also led numerous filmmaking and photography workshops in partnership with Tredu, the City of Tampere, Ahlman and Pirkanmaan Elokuvakeskus. Currently, I dedicate most of my work-time to run a touring cinema called Filmipyörä, while still working as a freelancer in various projects.
I am always looking for new, inspiring work opportunities. In an ideal situation, I prefer working in an environment that upholds some the following values:
empathy, curiosity, sustainability
. . . and/or includes some of the following themes:
art, science, nature, culture, education, psychology, philosophy, youth work
Work/project history is listed below. Click here to contact me.
"From my point of view, Henrik is a true visionary with a wide array of substance skills within many posts in documentary production. These skills include scripting, directing, cinematography and even hands-on post-production.
Besides the production skills of Henrik, I can also recommend him as a director with a spectacular storytelling capability, as well as the ability to communicate his vision for the people working together with him."
- Aatu Horus, CEO of Hotei Productions / Founder of Good Times Nepal
"Henrikillä on rento ja asiantunteva ote opettamiseen ja hän saa helposti kontaktin erilaisiin nuoriin. Henrikin lähestymistapa on prosessikeskeinen ja vuorovaikutteinen ja opiskeltavia asioita tutkitaan ja oivalletaan yhdessä."
- Pirkko Uitto, taidetyöpajakollega
"Henrik on opettajana osallistava ja tukee opetuksessaan oppilaiden omaa ongelmanratkaisukykyä. Dialogi on keskiössä hänen opiskelijan ohjauksessaan, mikä tekee oppimisesta aktiivista ja innostavaa. Henrik on myös ihmisläheinen ja helposti lähestyttävä."
- Sylvi Alin, Ahlman Edu
Henrik Mäki
filmmaker / photographer / event producer / teacher
Bachelor of Media - Film & TV (2019)
Tampere University of Applied Sciences
Tampere, Finland
+358 45 608 3993
[Business ID: 3247921-2]
Associates I've worked with:
Yle, Agalma Films, Rare Media, Good Times Nepal, Cult Fiction, Pyjama Films, Veravia, Hotei Productions, Yellow Film & TV, Taerosol Oy, ISTV, Flycam, Raja Film, Filmloop, Grassmark, Jent Motorport Video, Lasten ja Nuorten säätiö, Mainostoimisto Aate, Vasta Films, Referenssit.com, TAMK, Studio Empire, Pirkanmaan Elokuvakeskus, Pirkanmaan Kaarikoirat, Westlux, Tampereen Nuorisopalvelut, Tampereen kaupunki, Ammattiopisto Tredu, Kuntoutussäätiö, AhlmanEdu
+ many private clients
2025 and ongoing
Freelancer [since 2015]
filmmaker & photographer
Vilpolan filmijuhlat 2025
Filmipyörä [touring cinema, since 2020]
Jenssens [a skate film, since 2020]
2024 - 2021
Vilpolan filmihjuhlat 2024
producer + photo & video
Tampere Film Festival 2024
projectionist, camera operator
Manserama Vert Competitions [skate sm]
camera operator
Belzebubs [doc series]
cinematographer, pa
Aitoon elokuvajuhlat 2022
Various video/photo workshops and courses
8 Reasons To Kills [documentary feature]
Puoliyön Special [web series - 1 episode]
Good Times Nepal
internship - documentary films
Care for Stray Dogs [short doc]
director, cinematograher
Restoration of Patan Square [short doc]
Eternal Loneliness [short film]
Maybe Tomorrow [short film]
A Band Called Milk [short film]
bts photographer
Yle Asia
internship - documentary films
Tapahtukoon Sinun Tahtosi [short film]
1st ac
EROS [short film]
2nd ac
Human-like Creatures [short film]
2016 - 2011
Musta Risti - Moottoritari [music video]
Assi Ilona - Kuplat Kalliit [music video]
Liskomies - Hail satan [music video]
Universumin Gangsterit - Takas tulevaisuuteen [music video]
Paavo Sanomat [zine]
SITTU I & II [skate movies]